
Compilation by La Butineuse

Authors: Daniel Baertschi, Ananda Fitzsimmons, Patrick Love



« Regenerate : Restore to a better, higher, or more worthy state ». Editions La Butineuse has published three concise books on regenerative agriculture, hydrology and land-climate interactions. They are now compiled in one volume, “Regenerate”, so that you can even more easily navigate and understand the deep connections between these topics and the urgent need for Regeneration.

Daniel Baertschi’s book is the fastest and simplest way to understand everything about regenerative agriculture. After reading it, your only remaining question will be : « Why is that not already deployed, everywhere, and by everyone ? »
Discover Feeding the Earth

Ananda Fitzsimmons, from Regeneration  Canada, has combined into a unique, concise volume a whole world of knowledge. It will positively disrupt your vision of water management, and the way it can impact food security and climate change.
Discover Hydrate the Earth

Patrick Love has 30 years of experience in making complex issues more accessible at the OECD. For you, he crunched the 2019 IPCC 900 pages special report, entirely dedicated to land – climate interactions, into 88 accessible pages. Now you can read it !
Discover Land and Climate

Additional information

Weight 462 g
Dimensions 15,6 × 2,2 × 23,4 cm

September 2022



ISBN French paper format


ISBN English paper format


Number of French paper size pages


Number of pages in English paper format