
Feeding the Earth, Hydrate the Earth, Land and Climate

Daniel Baertschi, Ananda Fitzsimmons and Patrick Love


Also available in French

A single volume dedicated to the deep links between land-climate interactions, regenerative agriculture and hydrology.


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To understand the links between water, land and climate

Three in one

Three books in one volume


« Regenerate : Restore to a better, higher, or more worthy state ». Éditions La Butineuse has published three concise books on regenerative agriculture, hydrology and land-climate interactions. They are now compiled in one volume, “Regenerate”, so that you can even more easily navigate and understand the deep connections between these topics and the urgent need for Regeneration.

Daniel Baertschi’s book is the fastest and simplest way to understand everything about regenerative agriculture. After reading it, your only remaining question will be : « Why is that not already deployed, everywhere, and by everyone ? »
Discover Feeding the Earth

Ananda Fitzsimmons, from Regeneration  Canada, has combined into a unique, concise volume a whole world of knowledge. It will positively disrupt your vision of water management, and the way it can impact food security and climate change.
Discover Hydrate the Earth

Patrick Love has 30 years of experience in making complex issues more accessible at the OECD. For you, he crunched the 2019 IPCC 900 pages special report, entirely dedicated to land – climate interactions, into 88 accessible pages. Now you can read it !
Discover Land and Climate


The authors

Daniel Baertschi is a pioneer in regenerative agriculture and food production. He has had many years of experience in organic farming and development cooperation, and has been involved in agricultural projects in over 50 countries on 4 continents. After serving as director of Bio Suisse, he now works as consultant to farms, companies and organisations, providing advice and support on issues related to sustainable food production.

Ananda Fitzsimmons is a visionary and environmentalist with a passion for the land and growing food. She has a lifelong interest in sustainable food production and land management, as well as social change and personal empowerment. She is a champion of climate action, regenerative land management practices and social change to restore the balance of our ecosystems. Ananda has developed microbial technologies to restore soils and co-founded Concentric Agriculture. She is now Chair of the Board of Directors of Regeneration Canada, a non-profit organization that promotes soil regeneration in Canada.

Patrick Love works with the OECD’s New Approaches to Economic Challenges initiative, after being part of the OECD International Futures Programme. He also collaborates with the Unesco Social and Human Sciences Directorate, and the Eurpean Union’s Covinform project. He is the author or co-author of several books for the OECD Insights series that describe the latest research on important subjects for non-experts, including sustainable development, fisheries, the theory of complex systems, and the financial system.


Table of contents

Feeding the earth



Chapter One – An unsustainable food system?

How it all began

Farming for Life

At a dead end

Chapter Two – More than sustainable: regenerative agriculture

Principles are more important than definitions

Positive effect on the climate

Soil: the most precious resource

Animals protect the Earth

Healthy soil, healthy food, healthy people

Regenerative economy, regenerative society

Chapter Three – From Field to Fork: making the agricultural economy regenerative

From Vision to Practice

The way of the future

Rethinking training, advice and research

Developing and investing in farming in a regenerative way

Making good use of Digitalisation

A regenerative trading system

Making the best use of natural resources

Agricultural policy and structures

Transparency and control

Nutrients instead of calories


Hydrate the Earth


Chapter One – A new water paradigm

The planet is desertifying

How does the water cycle regulate climate?

What makes it rain?

Chapter Two – Regenerating the water cycle

The soil carbon sponge

Regenerative land management practices

Chapter Three – Ecosystem preservation and restoration

The ecological importance of wetlands

Protecting the blood of the Earth

A river wants to meander

Coastal ecosystems: where land meets water

Blue Carbon

Tree cover and forests

Chapter Four – Green Infrastructure and Earthworks

Slow it, spread it, sink it

Keyline design

Chapter Five – Bringing degraded land back to life

The story of Coen Farm

The story of Mulloon Creek

The story of Al Baydha

Chapter Six – Green Infrastructure in Cities

Rainwater harvesting

Permeable pavement

Green roofs

Bioretention gardens and swales

Chapter Seven – Decolonizing our relationship with Nature and building a regenerative culture

Accounting for Nature

A decade of restoration


Land and Climate

Note to readers

Chapter One – Land-climate interactions

Chapter Two – Land degradation

Chapter Three – Desertification

Chapter Four – Food security

Chapter Five – Interlinkages between climate, land and food security

Chapter Six – Addressing the risks of climate change


Additional information

Weight 501 g
Dimensions 15,6 × 2,2 × 23,4 cm

Septembre 2022



ISBN French print


ISBN English print


Number of pages French


Number of pages English


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